Showing posts with label Wicca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wicca. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

500 Instagram Followers Giveaway! ⚝🎁

I'm back and I'd like to announce my 2nd Instagram giveaway. ⚝🎁 Starting a few days ago on November 16, 2018 to December 12, 2018 enter for a chance to win this blue and purple smudging fan with a bundle of white sage. Display stand not included. Must follow my instagram account. Like, repost photo with hashtag and tag 3 friends. One entry per week and open only to those in the U.S. The winner will be announced on Instagram, December 12th, 2018 by random name picker. Good luck! 💙💜

1. Must follow @Childfreepaganart
2. Repost picture with the tag, #500giveawayllcauldron
3. Tag 3 friends on your reposted picture
4. Only 1 entry per a week
5. Open to the US
6. Winner will be called on December 12th, 2018 
Note: Giveaway is no way of affiliated or endorsed by Instagram.


The winner is @tripple_moon_magick.

Sorry it took me so long to update. Between my birthday, Yule and Xmas I got busy. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

New Listings on Mercari

New listings in the Mercari shop. Most of the old listings are reactivated and will be deactivated again in August.

Lavender Luna's Cauldron 

Metaphysical artwork, supplies and more. 

Visit us online:
Mercari: Lavender Luna 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Pagan General Beliefs

I don't mind someone asking me about my beliefs. Just as long as they  listen to what I have to say, not being hateful and a have an intelligent conversation. I have studied some of the general beliefs of others.

What you see in Hollywood movies doesn't even come close to portraying what witches and Pagans do in their spiritual practices. There is no “Devil” or “Satan” in our spiritual path; it’s only in monotheistic Abrahamic beliefs. The image of the God Pan was taken as the prototype of the “Devil.” Paganism is an umbrella term for polytheistic beliefs in multiple deities.

We don't just go around and curse whoever we want. Some believe in the 3-fold law also known as Karma. Some of us will bind an abusive person (or bad habits like drug or alcohol abuse) to protect ourselves and loved ones.  Some of us were raised in Christian households and it felt it’s not our true path in this life. We are drawn to nature, care for the Earth and it nurtures our souls.

What we sacrifice are herbs, incense or food for a bountiful harvest to give our thanks to our god(s) for helping or protecting us. Yes, in the past there were human sacrifices but modern day Pagans and Witches don’t do that. A deity is not going to stick around and help you if they don’t get anything in return. Even ancestors need at lest water to stay around. Some deities and ancestors have favorites like alcohol; tobacco; favorite food; a type of flower or herb; ect.

If you ask each Pagan what their beliefs are; you are going to get a different answer. These beliefs are from Pre-Christianity.  Some follow the Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, Greek, or Roman pantheons and some take from each they studied and form an eclectic belief like I do.

I draw from many pantheons to fit my personal practice but mostly Norse. I study Herbs, Kitchen Witchery, Runes, Crystals and Ceremonial Magic. My Norse patron Goddess and God are Freya (Goddess of Warcraft, Witchcraft, Seer, Love, Sex, and Death) and Thor (Lord of Thunder; Protector of mankind; rules Earth’s fertility and abundance.) My home and hearth Celtic Crone Goddess is Cerridwen (Goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration; Enchantress.) I view the Wiccan Rede as Do No Harm (but take no sh*t!)

Please Like √ Comment √ Share √ Blessed be!
~Lavender Luna’s Cauldron

Monday, June 27, 2016


This is merely my experience with White-Lighters and opinion. Many moons ago I was in an online study group with several friends. We would have many discussions about our paths and what we wanted to learn about. One discussions was about Wicca and many didn’t follow that path and why. I said I was Wiccan and I was learning about the “light” and the “dark” side of witchcraft and I felt balance was the key to understand this path. Well this one person was saying I wasn't Wiccan because I was studying both. I was young in my path and I didn't know at the time this person was a “White-Lighter.”

I was a little upset and I started questioning myself for about 20 minutes. A White-Lighter is a disparaging term used to describe a zealot devoted to what they perceive as the good or light side of spirituality and which typically attempts to change, cleanse, destroy, exorcise, or attack that which they perceive as dark, negative, or evil.

I learned that I was right the whole time and the White-Lighter was being prejudice. Wicca is not: black or white; right or wrong; good or bad. Wicca as in Nature is about finding a balance, accepting your dark as well as your light, both are equally important as one could not exist without the other.

If I was wiser at the time I would have explained the Wiccan Rede and the Sabbats to them. Yes the Wiccan Rede states harm none but it also states that we should not allow ourselves to be a victim and have harm done to us. We celebrate the light half and the dark half of the year. To understand light, you must understand darkness first.

If you are going to act like a fundamentalist in the Pagan path then celebrate only the light half of the year. That means no Samhain, Yule and so on. Just please leave us alone and follow your own path and not worry about what we do in ours.

Don't let anyone tell you your path is wrong. Everyone has their own path that fits them personally. Every religion has its fundamentalists. You have to cut these type of people out of your life to have a happy spiritual life.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What's new?

It's been awhile since I've updated this blog. Lately I've been building a website and working on my Facebook page. Trying to find a way to sell my art and Etsy didn't go so well. Maybe I'll try Etsy again later.

Crow Bowenite (New Jade) Pendulum 
Yellow Jasper and Clear Quartz Pendulums 

I've made new pendulums with bead caps, also going to make a personal size Book of Shadows with a spirit animal and college ruled paper. The cover will be neutral colors with Zinc plated hardware.  I'm going to let my Facebook fans choose with the most votes. I haven't decided how long I'll let the voting go, maybe a month long. When finished, the new Book of Shadows will be available for sell, or may do a giveaway. Haven't decided yet and never done a giveaway before.

Our coven Book of Shadows